Episode 2

Episode 1

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


WFB is not ever going to update this blog again and infact we have made loads of videos that we havent posted on this blog(these videos are on our youtube page)that are a lot lot better than the ones we have put ont this blog!

For news on upcoming matches go to our website wich is http://wrestlingfigurebrawls.piczo.com/?cr=6

or to watch our latest matches go to http://uk.youtube.com/user/firbyfred

Thankyou for reading this and remember this is not the end of WFB infact we are better than ever!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hi, checkout out our youtube page please at www.youtube.com/firbyfred

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

WFB first episode sneek peek

Here's one of the image's from the video that's coming out this week.

WFB Backstage talk

Turn the sound up.

Here's whats been happening backstage.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WFB Roster

Heres our roster of figures that will feature throughout the WFB videos.

  1. Rey mysterio
  2. The rock
  3. Stone cold steve austin (intercontinental champion)
  4. HHH (ring gear)
  5. HHH (casual gear)
  6. Mr Mcmahon (World heavy weight champion)
  7. Chris Beniot
  8. Jim Neidhart
  9. Rowdy Roddy Piper
  10. Billy Kidman
  11. Kelly Kelly
  12. Balls Mahoney

We like to add to our colection so check back for some new arivals.


Videos Coming Soon.


Welcome to wrestling Figure Brawls my wrestling figure company enjoy!!!!